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Please take note that is no longer a domains registrar. If you had domain names with us you should have received an email with more information.
The .ca TBR statistics and search engine are still available as a paid subscription.
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  • Canadian Rocky Mountains

    .ca TBR Analysis Service

    Finally a serious .ca TBR analysis service! Finding the gems among thousands of domains has never been so easy! Visit our Expired Domains section today.

    Photo: Canadian Rocky Mountains

  • Algonquin Park, Ontario, Canada

    Building a Digital World

    Every domain name is a land, a space where you can grow your dream, express yourself, take part of a community. Together we are creating a world, a digital world!

    Photo: Algonquin Park, Ontario, Canada

  • Peggy's Cove, Nova Scotia, Canada

    .ca TBR Analysis Service

    Finally a serious .ca TBR analysis service! Finding the gems among thousands of domains has never been so easy! Visit our Expired Domains section today.

    Photo: Peggy's Cove, Nova Scotia, Canada

  • Saskatchewan, Canada

    Building a Digital World

    Every domain name is a land, a space where you can grow your dream, express yourself, take part of a community. Together we are creating a world, a digital world!

    Photo: Saskatchewan, Canada

  • Fall in Quebec, Canada

    Your Opinion is Important

    What can we do to improve our services? Please do not hesitate to contact us, your opinion matters to us!

    Photo: Fall in Quebec, Canada

Latest News

  • Wednesday, 03 July 2024
    MOZ DA deprecated due to a change on MOZ accounts requiring credit card and throttling on free accounts.
  • Sunday, 04 June 2023
    The site is now secured with HTTPS.
  • Sunday, 04 June 2023
    The server ha been migrating to a new and better hosting company.


Domain Availability

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WHOIS & Domain Information

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.ca Domain

N/Anew registration, renewal and transfer

.ca TBR

N/A plus auction fee, if applicable

.com Domain

(not yet available)


.ca TBR Highlights

TBR Session Start: Feb 19, 2025 2:00 PM
Countdown: -
Domains Count: 12,179
Domains Analysis Status: Completed.
Domain Highlight
There are 155 english word domains. This one is the most popular in Google with 100 search results.
There are 49 french word domains. This one is the most popular in Google with 100 search results.
There are 3,433 domains composed of 2 english words. This one is the most popular in Google with 100 search results.
This is the shortest english word domain name.
This is one of the shortest french word domain. There are 2 french word domains with only 4 characters.
This is the oldest domain. It has been online since 1997 according to
There are 3 domains with a Google Page Rank of 5.
Highest Google search results: 100
Highest number of links in Google: 1,690,000,000
Highest number of indexed pages in Google: 100
Best Alexa Traffic Rank: 4,204,397
There are 21 numeric domains in this session. This one if the most popular in Google with 99 search results.
For complete stats use the .ca TBR search engine...